XCOM must destroy a psionic relay that summons continuous reinforcements, then eliminate any remaining forces. Invasion – ADVENT attempts to retake a liberated region by assaulting a city center.ADVENT Base Assault – XCOM must deploy to and overtake a well-defended regional military headquarters.Haven Defense – A variation on Retaliation missions where XCOM must defend Resistance members against an onslaught of ADVENT forces until the Skyranger can get into position for extraction.Success increases the strength of the Resistance in that region. Jailbreak – XCOM must infiltrate an ADVENT jail and rescue key Resistance members.Here are summaries of the eight new mission additions, followed by a few images. They also give Advent new abilities, such as infinite spawning of reinforcements during certain mission types. The new mission types coming in Long War 2 support the altered strategic layer (and vice versa). It still doesn’t have a specific release date, but you’d have to imagine that’s coming soon with the current amount of information being issued. Pavonis Interactive (formerly Long War Studios) are the people behind Long War 2.

Previous information has covered the new Technical class and overhaul of the strategic layer. There’s been a pretty steady feed of information about the upcoming Long War 2 mod for XCOM 2, which continues today with details about new missions.